This website reflects the services of Stephen Cluggish, Residential Architect. Services provided are essentially for single family custom homes.
The NEW HOME DESIGN SERVICES tab summarizes the services, and service limitations, available for new home custom designs.
The THINGS TO KNOW tab has some ‘going forward’ information.
The PROJECT PORTFOLIO tab shows a cross section of some past projects of differing sizes, styles, and locations.
The SMALLER HOME IDEAS presents series of ‘intentional’ homes with an idea behind them and often a sustainable build idea. They are an idea resource and can evolve into custom modestly sized home designs.
The DIY GUIDES tab presents a Design Guide and a Construction Guide. The Guides were created to assist the serious DIY thinker in design and construction processes. They are likely a bit too intense for most clients to take advantage of yet there is a lot of useful information, and descriptive tables of content.
The SAMPLE DRAWING SETS allow perusal and download of design drawing sets, and construction drawing sets for 2 projects representative of the ‘custom service level’. Included is a smaller mountain project, and a larger subdivision project.
The ABOUT tab offers a brief personal bio and a home dwellers bio explained thru the personal homes built and lived in.
The CONTACT tab contains the direct email communication form. As indicated above this project is a one man show so all inquiries are handled personally, are not automated, and are not necessarily immediate.
Website Transition
We just changed domain names from to Pretty much the same website and services offered, and offered by the same architect. The HOMEarchitecture site offered a collection of small home design plans for sale. For a few reasons it was decided to drop the retail sales approach entirely and retain and concentrate on the services offering custom home designs.
Project Highlight
Below an image of the living space in one of the Earth Solar designs. This series is characterized by single story, long and linear plan designs, and low pitch single plane roofs. And comparatively easy to build.
The interior 3d image(s) are included in all Phase 1, and Phase 2 design services.