Roof Garden House Plans
Description: The common feature in the Roof Garden Series is a flat roof area intended to be accessed and used for exterior living and container gardening. Roof garden areas are typically located above the carport/garage function, and are accessed directly from the public living spaces. Public living spaces are located one story above grade designated the ‘upper level’. This format may be quite suitable both in open site, sloped site, and narrow lot urban conditions.
Size: All are 2 levels. Most home designs are narrow and long(er) in proportion. Finished footage ranges from 1152 sf to 2072 sf.
Style: These home designs as illustrated look comfortable in rural settings with a relaxed country styling, and some in urban settings, with more contemporary styling. The characteristic flat roof garden space with required railings sets a non-traditional form aesthetic.

Roof Garden #1
1152 sf Levels: 2 Bedrm: 2 Bath: 1.5
Roof Garden #2
1312 sf Levels: 2 Bedrm: 2 Bath: 1.5
Roof Garden #3
1405 sf Levels: 2 Bedrm: 2 Bath: 2.5
Roof Garden #4
1463 sf Levels: 2 Bedrm: 2 Bath: 2.5
Roof Garden #4a
1463 sf Levels: 2 Bedrm: 2 Bath: 2.5
Roof Garden #5
1828 sf Levels: 2 Bedrm: 3 Bath: 2.5
Roof Garden #6
2401 sf Levels: 2 Bedrm: 3 Bath: 2.5
Roof Garden #7
2073 sf Levels: 2 Bedrm: 3 Bath: 3.5
Roof Garden #8
2193 sf Levels: 2 Bedrm: 3 Bath: 2.5Series Overview
Living up: There are a surprising number of site conditions that favor the ‘living up’ idea, placing living spaces 1 story above grade level. Sloped terrain of all sorts can take advantage of this thinking, as does this project’s Walkout Series. In urban narrow lot settings getting above grade can be more pleasant and private. All situations can benefit from improved views. And when that living level is the highest level immediately under roof, the opportunity exists for raised, vaulted ceilings which are common these designs. The unavoidable downside to this ‘living up’ format is having a flight of steps from vehicle and entry to that living level (and kitchen).
The roof deck: A flat garage or carport roof deck exists these designs to cover the vehicles. This roof becomes useful as a generous walk-out living deck. A little attention to the single ply membrane selection, living surface selection, drainage and maintenance is required. The roof garden decks in these designs are, whenever possible, over open and unconditioned space.
Container gardening: Is not required obviously- it is just an opportunity. Those who have tried serious gardening at grade all have experienced the many maintenance and food seeking animal challenges. Container gardening has limitations, but generally makes the gardening adventure considerably more manageable.
Two site situations: These designs are trying to satisfy 2 possible site conditions. One is the open site with slope, where vehicular access is usually more flexible. The other is the narrow urban lot where access would typically be from the end. There is customization potential with most of these designs regarding vehicular approach orientation, carport or enclosed garage treatment, and adjusting architectural style to best suit the building environment.