Roof Garden #2
Roof Garden #2
Site idea: This design variation of #1 shows an 'end' approach and undercover parking which does physically open up the narrow lot potential. But the imagery continues to suggest an open site- and aesthetic. And the primary window locations are along the longer sides which can be a narrow lot privacy concern.
Open ceilings: This design has a variation of the 'cross vault' presented in design #1 creating a tall open gable end in kitchen and living space. The exposed beam members similarly can be structural or essentially cosmetic. A ridge beam, whether hidden or exposed, will be required.
Layout: The bigger distinction this plan compared with #1 is the size emphasis in the kitchen and table areas on the upper floor, and the reduction in the size of the living space. On the ground main level a entry door into the mud room is present in the carport and a covered guest entry has been provided outside the carport.