Approach view to this small cabin design.

Small Cabin+Loft #1


Layout : This design shows a side vehicular approach and side entry and porch. The stair as positioned becomes a partial height separator between living and kitchen spaces. The stair positioning allows the 'L' shape loft space and a full ceiling height at the area around the stair landing. The center stair position does create the entry experience downside, (shared with design#2) , of walking past/thru the kitchen to get to the living space. In a small cabin scale home this may or may not be a concern.

Fireplace: The fireplace positioning will heat this whole floor- and it encourages a traditional look ad drawn. A wood stove is always a viable option.

Style: A mountain or wooded setting suits this dark wood tone siding material, and stone accent use. A modest amount of stone goes a long way. As shown this design, thin veneer is just fine.