Small walkout-1 approach at the lower level.

Small Walkout #1

Design#1, #2

Similarities: Designs#1 and #2 share a similar size footprint, and corner stair location, and were both developed assuming a lower level vehicular approach. Some sites don't offer much of a choice regarding that approach condition, and these designs respect that. The downside of the lower level approach are the necessary steps up to the main living levels. Design#2 positions a lower level entry door and interior access up to the main level. With neither design is it required they be approached from that lower level.

Distinctions: Examine each design to cipher the differences in the 2 designs. Design#1 has a more symmetrical detailing and employs a corner window design feature. Design#2 is  asymmetrical and uses gable porch roof configurations that would allow more covered deck size if desired.