Small walkout home designed with approach from the lower level.

Small Walkout #2

Design#1, #2

Similarities: Designs#1 and #2 were both developed assuming a lower level vehicular approach. Some sites don't offer much of a choice regarding that approach condition, and these designs respect that. The downside of the lower level approach are the necessary steps up to the main living levels. Design#2 positions a lower level entry door and interior access up to the main level. With neither design is it required they be approached from that lower level. Main level access is fully viable.

Distinctions: Examine each design to cipher the differences in the 2 designs. Design#1 has a more symmetrical detailing and employs a corner window design feature. Design#2 is  asymmetrical and uses gable porch roof configurations that would allow more covered deck size if desired. Other plan distinctions exist. Note the lower level entry provided in #2 takes a little space from the flex space making its conversion to an enclosed bedroom tight.