Steep Slope #3
Steep Slope #3
Along a convex curved topo line: Designs #3, #4 assume a curved topo and respond with an "L' shape design. A footprint of any angle that best corresponds to a topo convex plan curve is possible, but construction gets more complicated with angled construction- particularly odd angles. Designs #3 and #4 use a 90 degree base angle with limited and controlled 45 degree connections between the 2 wings. Not so complicated. The advantage to these 2 designs compared with the preceding linear designs are that they enjoy views -and light penetration-in the 2 directions which adds some texture to the whole living experience. This design is an 'L' shape sequel to design #1.
Pier and support: Footings and masonry piers up to the floor deck show this design under the house construction. The bigger angled pier under the fireplace location a lateral load resistance solution. Wood posts and braces are showing under the deck constructions- so a hybrid system.