Steep Slope #7a
Steep Slope #7a
Topo cooperation: This 2 story layout follows the construction concepts consistent this series. There is a little greater depth to the crawl space, main living space, and the covered parking this design which is incidental on a flatter site but may be significant on a steep site. Each design set has a big and clear site section drawing (sheet d.3) that is a tool for working for understanding the retaining requirements and height off ground for the main floor deck.
Standard support system: This idea best illustrated in the foundation 3d image. This design uses a straightforward pier and drop beam support system. So the front facing main level wall is up off the ground. But the upper floor is fully accessible during construction and after from the essentially flat main level roof.
Design distinctions: This design #7a compared with #7 essentially straightens out the curves and encloses the now rectangular garage design. Other distinction are with the exact window selections and the exterior trim color.