Basic service
Basic service is appropriate for smaller and simpler homes on lots with limited complications. Design and construction documents are responsible but limited to the necessary.
Custom service
Custom service is the more requested service, and suitable for projects of moderate complexity and budget. Plan and exterior design is pretty complete, engineering is included. Extent of interior design detailing is limited. A selected contractor early in the process is very desirable.
Premium service
Premium service is appropriate for more complex projects with more generous budgets. These projects simply demand more design energy and more site, exterior and interior detail. Construction documents are similarly more complex.
Full service (not offered)
This has the architect acting as agent for the client throughout the project. This includes the above premium service, plus cost bidding, contract administration, and construction administration throughout the project. If this full service is preferred then an architectural office that routinely offers same is recommended, or alternatively, an independent construction manager can be engaged.